Are you Hiring for the New Year?

As a manager, executive, or business owner, you know that you always have a need for top talent.  Most of you use the annual strategic planning process and budgeting process around this time of year to review your hiring needs for the coming year.  With the labor market improving and unemployment maintaining its current downward trend, you have probably discovered that hiring the best talent has become even more competitive.  At the same time, a hiring mistake keeps getting more costly.

If you do anticipate hiring in the next few months, remember you have access to MDL Partners for targeted, screened, and well-networked candidates.  Many of our clients and alumni, by the way, have sons and daughters graduating and looking for more entry-level positions.

If you do foresee a hiring opportunity, send an email or call your contacts at MDL Partners.  You might also post the position on the MDL Partners LinkedIn Group (if you’re not yet a member, search ‘Groups’ on LinkedIn using ‘MDL.’  The first group listed is ours—select it, then click ‘join.’)  As an alumnus, you are always welcome to attend our evening networking meetings.  See the MDL Partners website for a calendar of events.

Please take full advantage of this additional MDL Partners resource, and we look forward to helping you grow your business.